Monday, November 22, 2010

Back In The Saddle Again

Wow, have I really taken this much time off?  Well, to make it up to you, I will post my new favorite pumpkin recipe.  It will definitely knock your socks off.  Stay tuned...
I am finding it harder and harder to post since the computer I work on is now in my babies room.  She is supposed to take two naps a day, but in the past few days has refused due to her molars coming in and I believe an ear infection.  So, when she is napping, I can't work on my posts and when she is up I can't work on my posts.  My children take priority and they don't let me sit and spend the time I need to on this little blog.  I'm trying to work something out.  In them meantime enjoy the upcoming recipes.  Oh, and I'm sorry to inform you that I will not be much help for your Thanksgiving Day feast.  With our move and everything else going on, I just haven't gotten it done.  Maybe next year...


  1. I'm glad to hear your bloggy voice again, so glad you survived your move. The pumpkin recipe looks delicious. I can't wait to try it. Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  2. Welcome back! I've been patiently waiting for your move to be settled and you to come back. I must say, I've missed you :) I'm excited to try the pumpkin recipe - I've got just enough pumpkin leftover from my last recipe to make this!

    Don't stress about how often you can blog, your faithful followers will be here when you can post!

  3. i have been thinking about you quite a bit and wondering how you are & how the move went. good to see you about again today! :)
