Monday, June 7, 2010

Vanilla Bean Paste Giveaway

Because it's Monday, my kids are driving me crazy, I'm not feeling the best, I broke my waffle iron (I'm hoping my husband can fix it) and I STILL have tons of laundry to do, I'm going to do a little giveaway. Plus, it goes along perfectly with today's post, which was not planned. The awesome people at Nielsen-Massey want to give away one of their Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Bean Paste's to three lucky readers. I LOVE this stuff. I feel like I am using it daily. They even sent me their cookbook, which is absolutely beautiful and full of fun recipes.

To enter, leave a comment stating what recipe you love to use vanilla in.

Giveaway ends Thursday June 10th at 11:59 pm. 

Good Luck!

{I fixed the first and last pictures on my last post}


  1. Cookies, and I always had extra.

  2. Cookies, Waffles, French Toast, Brown Sugar Muffins (my children's current favorite)...pretty much anything that will let me use Vanilla, I throw it in! (and only pure vanilla...none of that imitation stuff...blech!)

  3. My chocolate chip cookies with cinnamon! My sister loves vanilla bean paste and i am dying to try it!

  4. I use it in my husband's favorite pie, boston creme pie!

  5. Chocolate chip cookies and an orange smoothie.

  6. I went to Williams Sonoma to get some this weekend and they were sold out!!! I am in great need of this brown gold! I love it in sugar cookies or fresh whip cream!

  7. There's hardly anything I don't use vanilla in. But since I'm a big french toast fan lately, I'll start with that one.

  8. Cake decorating icing... it tastes so much better than imitation! I NEED this stuff to make my creations extra delicious.

  9. Every morning in my stove top oatmeal! After the milk gets real hot I put in my oatmeal and pour in a dollup of Madagascar Pure Vanilla Bean. Yummy!

  10. Chocolate Fudge Sauce. Once I unintentionally left out the vanilla. It is necessary and I'd love to try the paste.

  11. I have a zucchini bread recipe that I make that has 5 tsp of vanilla in it. My nephew who isn't big on veggies loves this bread. I usually add more zucchini than called for less sugar and a tad bit more vanilla and he doesn't know it is good for him.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  12. I tend to put vanilla in everything, whether it's called for or not, and when it's called for I always add extra. I especially love it in my chocolate peanut butter swirl bars.

  13. I use it in everything but particularly love it in homemade marshmallows.. yum!!!

  14. I've never used a vanilla paste before. Sounds delish!
    I use mine in homemade whipped cream all the time for a yummy dessert. Especially with berries on top of waffles.
    I also always use it in my Costco giant bag of Krustez pancake mix. They taste soooo much better that way.
    Candace, your food blog is just so pretty and really becoming full of wonderful recipes. I visit it about once a week for a little inspiration.

  15. I'm always using vanilla. It ties with cinnamon in my book! :) This would be so fun to use!

  16. I use vanilla in just about everything I bake (cookies, cakes, muffins), as well as freshly whipped cream, fudge, etc. I would love to try the vanilla paste!

  17. I would love to make cookies and french toast with it! I have never used it and am dying to try it!!!

  18. Cookies and French Toast. And I usually add more than it calls for because I love the flavor it adds! I want to win this! Ever since I read your post about it I've been dying to try it!

  19. Cookies and caramels. I'd love to try this stuff!

  20. pastry creme. for my creme puffs. yummy.

  21. I love using vanilla in whipped cream. Soo yummy!

  22. i have a great chocolate cake recipe that every time i make cupcakes with it i get rave reviews. but i always use cream cheese frosting, with the vanilla bean paste i'm inspired to make vanilla frosting with all the great bean flecks!

  23. Love me some good vanilla! I love vanilla bean ice cream.

  24. I'd love to whip it into cream and eat it with fresh strawberries. Yum.

  25. I make a mean Creme Brulee and it requires the BEST vanilla out there! Can't wait to try the paste.

  26. homemade whipped cream that seth loves to throw together in our ISI whipper his parents gifted us when we got married. we've learned to use powdered sugar for the optimal whipped cream escape, as in knockin-on-the-pearly-gates good! vanilla bean paste would elevate it just past st. peter, i reckon. =)
    ::fingers crossed::

  27. My family has this fabulous cardamom cookie recipe that I use vanilla in and I recently saw this new recipe for cardamom/snickerdoodle cookies, also calling for vanilla, that I'm excited to try. A combination of two of my favorites!

  28. I use vanilla in everything I can. My chocolate chip cookie recipe is definitely my favorite!

  29. chocolate chip cookies, homemade ice cream, french toast, and homemade cool whip

  30. There's a vanilla bean scone recipe I've been wanting to try and it sounds like this would make them extra delicious!

  31. I think I would want to try it in all my recipes! If I had to name one, it would be banana bread. My recipe calls for a lot and I am thinking this fancy little product may make it even tastier!!!

  32. I love vanilla in lots of things. It's my favorite flavor! Pure and simple. Made some fabulous lavender vanilla shortbread once.....TO DIE FOR!

  33. I love adding extra to my favorite chocolate chip-butterscotch cookies.

  34. I use it in pretty much all of my baking, but my next goal is to try making ice cream - vanilla to start!

  35. Oooh! I want to make ice cream sooo bad. Nothing like a good sliver of pie with a side of vanilla bean ice cream. Yeumm

  36. The custard on poached pears has got to be one of my favorites!

  37. I love to bake, so I am always using vanilla! I've never tried bean paste, it sounds delicious!

  38. I've never tried vanilla bean paste. I would love to try it in some cookies, french toast, or in homemade ice cream. Or maybe in a smoothie. Mmmm. I love vanilla.

  39. Vanilla cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting. Classic, but deeeelicious!!!

  40. I love to use vanilla in a lot of baking recipes...but my favorite thing to use vanilla in is Snow Cream! My mom would make it with us (myself and my younger brothers) when we were little, no recipe needed. Vanilla makes this simple pleasure so delicious!

  41. chocolate chip cookies -- with extra vanilla -- are oh so perfect.

    yum! this looks amazing!

  42. Homemade icecream or my homemade yogurt!! love vanilla

  43. Cakes, ice cream, whipped cream, syrups, custards, frosting, meringues, puddings...oh I could go on! Vanilla is such a wonderful and delicate flavor!

  44. I love putting vanilla into my pancakes! Yum!

  45. I absolutely love it in creme brulee and am hoping to win this to make it for my husband on father's's his favorite!

  46. Oooh, there are so many delectable treats made with vanilla but one of my favorites is homemade, totally from scratch, ice cream. It's such a tasty treat on these hot summer days.
