Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies
from my friend Ashley

1 cup butter
1 cup shortening
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
4-5 cups whole wheat flour, or white flour (add last cup gradually as needed to make stiff dough)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
4 cups rolled oats

Cream butters and sugars.  Add eggs and mix just till eggs are fully mixed in, do not over mix.  Add other ingredients. Bake for 9 minutes at 350.  Let cool on pan for 2 minutes.  Place on rack to cool.

Recipe can be halved.


{cooks note}

I do not like really flat oatmeal cookies.  A good recipe is hard to come by...until now, my friends.  This is THE recipe!  They do not turn out flat.  I have not made this recipe yet with whole wheat flour, but next time I am going to do half whole wheat and half white.  I use 4 1/2 cups flour and that seems to be a good measurement for me.  Every elevation and oven will cook differently, so you will have to determine what is best for your situation.  I like to freeze these in wax paper in logs.  I cut them about 3/4" thick right out of the freezer and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake them for about 1-2 minutes longer than if they had not been frozen.  I bake some out of the freezer last night and they were great.  My boys got a bag of M&M's for Christmas from their great grandma.  I stuck them in the freezer and decided to let them put the M&M's on the cookies for a little extra treat. They had a great time doing this, but the M&M's are not a requirement.

Now please excuse me while I suffer all day with my allergies.  Anyone else dealing with this?

This cookie dough is really good.  I usually am not a cookie dough eater, but this stuff is good.
See?  My daughter seems to think it is good too.  She was sitting in between the boys cookie sheets and somehow managed to pull Carter's sheet over to her and grab a ball of dough.  I was busy doing something else and the scream of Carter called me to attention  What can I say, she takes after her mother.
A new texture for that little mouth of gums.
She wasn't very happy with me when I took it all away from her.  After this, Cody was afraid she might get salmonella poisoning because the dough had touched her mouth. I assured him that his precious little daughter would be fine.
The work of my boys.
This is our I roll my dough up in the wax paper.  Be sure to twist the ends before you store them in the freezer.  After I make all of my logs, I place them in a gallon freezer zip lock bag to ensure they stay fresh.

These are kind of healthy for you too (wink, wink).  Four cups of oatmeal is better than nothing.  Just don't pay attention to the other ingredients on the list.  

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