Thursday, February 4, 2010

See, I'm Not Perfect

I was talking to my sister yesterday on the phone and she asked me "Do you always make really good things for dinner?"  Ha, ha, ha.  Yeah right!  I take about 2-3 days a week and either make hot breakfast for dinner, have leftovers, or sometimes we eat cereal.  Yes, it's true.  You want to take a peek into my life...well, this picture pretty much sums it up a lot of the time.  And to think this is just one side of my kitchen.  Oh, and you really can't get the full effect unless you see two little boys running in circles around the kitchen with swords.  


  1. I feel so much better. Thanks for letting us taking a peek into your world. I know you are a fabulous homemaker, even if you do have cold cereal for dinner once in a while.:)

  2. I tried the creamy chicken noodle soup and we LOVED it, even Spencer who doesn't like chicken noodle soup usually. Thanks!
