Friday, January 22, 2010


Let me just get it out there that I am not a professional in any way for taking pictures of food, people or anything else.  My husband bought me my dream camera for Christmas, so I have been having a little fun with it. By no means do I know what I am doing with it.  My pictures are edited in Picasa because I am too cheap to get Photoshop.  Maybe one of these days...
Thank you for the compliments, though.  I'll do my best.


  1. I thought you had got a new camera based on the pictures, they really do look great. What camera did you end up getting?


  2. Your pictures look fabulous! I made the tortellini soup last night. Everyone loved it! How much is a Bosch mixer like your's that you've been using in your photos?

  3. What kind of "dream camera" did you get?
